Saturday, June 15, 2013

OR CR Loan - Car Collateral Loan Without Taking Your Car

Car Loan in the Philippines - OR CR Collateral Only
So what characterizes a car loan without taking your car. First, its for convenience. Convenience because you can still get to use your auto whether for personal or business purposes so you can still move on with where you get your earnings to be able to pay for the loan proceeds.

What's good with this type of loan in the Philippines today is that it has been made faster. Some lending companies like that which is where my husband works for as a loan consultant in Makati. They now offer a more convenient fast processing of their auto loan. Another good thing is that it only takes your original OR CR to use as collateral instead of taking out your car.

This auto loan convenience has been going on for quite some time now and it has been incorporated today in many lending companies in the Philippines for borrower advantage as well as to be able to come up with more quick cash advance applications from Filipinos who own a car and would like to use it to come up with additional finance to use either for business, personal or whatever else quick needs for finance.

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